from Ecstasy Facsimile
When profaned like a country, a lynch-mobbed | martyr who sees his statue
and is moved | by it, as someone knifes herself into | her captor’s mouth, as doped-up
diplomats | bicker in line for Holy Communion | taken so the Lord is within, hammer
| used to crack the skull, unlucky eggshell | the photographer snaps the night into
its known fiction, the country slumps inside | a tricycle and stares with one
intact | eye, an exit wound on his scalp, let God | speak to you through brandy and
soda, let | Him reach the soul winking above itself | the planted grams the prayed-for
sign, our lives
menaced by a dream
that like a sunset drops dead these bodies
float without mercy in idle gossip
The selves I’ve fabricated, dressed
. in beach formals, slacks spattered with mud:
we’re sending someone off, you know
who it is, and I’ve yet to learn the words
for grief, having until now coped
only by drinking it away, I succeed
. as a stale narrative; some have their heads
bowed, the others stare at a point
where the shadows on waves aren’t
. distinguishable from the moving water,
the sepia wind making the scene
as sad as a season finale, I’m my imagination,
I’m whichever form I steal: to raise the stakes,
. someone makes a speech
about children I’ll never have—I can no longer
. rely on the torments I suffered through
my childhood, too far back to elicit pity, the soul
forgetting where it sprang from,
of course it’s from the body, greatest
source of unease, like heavy machinery
. it backs away slowly, the motion beeper
rejects the sureness of disaster,
I’m willing to be seduced by it, therefore
. this scene, this draft
of what happens to me, deadline
imminent, and when the mourners amble back
to the concrete road, you emerge from the reeds
. and walk apart from the story on water.
Mark Anthony Cayanan is from the Philippines. They obtained an MFA from the University of Wisconsin in Madison and are a PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide. Among their publications are the poetry books Narcissus (Ateneo de Manila UP, 2011) and Except you enthrall me (U of the Philippines P, 2013). Recent work has appeared in Foglifter, Crab Orchard Review, NightBlock, The Spectacle, and Lana Turner. A recipient of fellowships to Civitella Ranieri and Villa Sarkia, they teach at the Ateneo de Manila University.