


i am looking for a ferryman

i have decided i will marry a ferryman this winter

freeze sweeps the river

winter is a hard time to find a ferryman


i use my hangnails as a rosary

i have my own decades

maybe when i’m done

i will see him in the thaw


someone to carry me

without using his arms at all

in extremis



breathing is a brother’s voice

one that says

it’s not all popsicles and lollipops

it’s pinch, it’s pause, it’s perturbation

a whisper that reminds you

when every bench is a shrine there is no place to sit

Hannah Bishop received her MFA in poetry from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is from New Jersey and works in a gastroenterology office. Hannah especially enjoys sweets, cartoons, fun facts, and her dog, Teek. Her work has appeared in Noble / Gas Qtrly, Seneca Review, Eye Flash Poetry, ellipses, Faultline, and Yes Poetry. She can be found on Instagram and Twitter @bishplease3 and her website, www.hanbish.com.