America Has No Face
as if the face in the glass is the one I remember; as if mirrors betrayed the same view; as if tender in
translation; as if eyeless in a crowd; as if every white man could be my father; as if genetically sound;
as if unshaped by assumption; as if defaced by supposition; as if looks could kill; as if the face bore
betrayal; as if stares could disassemble; as if the mirror betrayed memory; as if memory betrayed the
same view; as if every mixed-race half-breed could be me; as if their faces were mine; as if the one I
wore I wore right
from Cryptography
sometimes, when the howl
arrives before the body the form predates
the shade and shape the becoming never realized
something propels her back into stasis,
so reaching out too far, the woman’s body
is condemned to its borders to haunt the land
. without herself an abomination to be
in spite of, to reject
fragmentation to crawl through time hunting
just wanting her old body back
is a closed room of refusals no one hears the throat opening
. grotesque, longing rejects respectability the horror is
when the scream arrives no one looks up
until something is taken away
Krysta Lee Frost is a mixed race Filipino American poet who halves her life between the Philippines and the United States. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Margins, Entropy, Berkeley Poetry Review, wildness, and elsewhere. She is currently pursuing an MA in Creative Writing at the University of the Philippines Diliman.